Crofton Garden is a much-loved family garden, located in Sandford, Tasmania.  Nearly one acre in size, it is a garden of discovery. Wandering through intimate garden spaces and narrow pathways to secluded corners and broader views, it may take a moment to realise there is a lot more going on here than first meets the eye. There are plant and garden treasures to be found for those willing to slow down and take the time to look, smell and listen (if you can get a word in with the bird’s noisy chatter) to the garden.

If our Garden could talk, it would probably have a chat about its constantly changing appearance, tell tales of rare and unusual plants hunted down by Jenny, spin stories of crazy ideas that somehow became a reality, lament the much loved pets who have come and gone, regale the adventures of our abundant erratic wildlife, even gossip about the occasional near-death experience. We would love for you to come and visit us, slow down and spend some time in our garden.  We open to the public once a year, which includes a Plant Sale of all the things we have propagated from the garden. 

Crofton Garden is primarily cared for by Jenny and Holly Farley, a mother and daughter who enjoy turning their personal and creative differences into a surprisingly serene garden with a minimum of fisticuffs, with cameo roles played by assorted (they would claim long suffering) family members. 


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