
Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Brilliantissimum’

Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Brilliantissimum’ is a compact small tree up to 4m.  It is popular for its cheerful salmon pink young foliage in spring which turns yellow, and then dark green in the late summer. Brilliantissimum also displays greenish yellow flowers in spring and winged red fruit in the autumn. The tree itself has a lolly-pop, spreading form and will grow to just 4 x 4 metres in 20 years.

Plant in part shade or full sun in a sheltered position. A moist but well-drained soil will suit.

Acer palmatum car. disectum ‘Hana Matoi’

Acer palmatum ‘Hana Matoi’ has finely dissected spring time leaves that are variegated with pink, red and white. Sometimes the leaves emerge completely pink. In the summer most of the leaves age to a green with occasional striping and transform to a fire red in the Autumn.

Protection from hot afternoon sun prolongs the stunning pink colors well into summer. She’s a slow growing, small tree forming a weeping, mounding shape. A stunner.

Acer shirasawanum Aureum

Acer shirasawanum is also known as the golden full-moon maple boasting yellow to lime green foliage in summer, and vivid, deep red foliage in autumn.

It has golden yellow to lime green foliage from spring to summer, which turns a rich orange-red before falling in autumn. For best results, grow ‘Aureum’ in a sheltered spot where it is protected cold winds and excessive sun. We have it growing in full shade next to the Side Pond.

Acer palmatum ‘Ariadne’

A semi-dwarf, spreading, deciduous Japanese maple with deeply lobed leaves. Beautiful marbled pink, cream, and orange leaves with bright green veins in spring turning purple-red to dark green with red veins in summer, and orange with red margins in Autumn. It also has attractive green young stems.

This stunning variety is perfect for the areas where a mid-size tree is required to add beautiful spring and autumn colour but it does require a shelter spot in partial shade or full sun.

Acer palmatum ‘Peaches and Cream’

This is one of the most stunningly and vivid reticulated Japanese maples. New spring leaves emerge with beautiful rosy, peach and cream colored tones. Amazing dark colored veins accentuate the overall shape of the leaf. As summer approaches, the leaves transition into reticulated green and cream colored leaves. And if that wasn’t enough Autumn brings on a spectacle of yellows and oranges. An upright, small deciduous tree ‘Peaches and Cream’ is slow grower and a beautiful year round interest tree. 

We grow it out in the Front Garden in a VERY protected space… make of that what you will.

Acer palmatum ‘Butterfly’

Acer palmatum ‘Butterfly’ has small serrated green leaves with white margins in the spring. Sometimes the margins will emerge pink and at times the whole leaf will appear all white.

Autumn brings a nice blend of purples and reds. A very good choice for those seeking a mid sized tree with exceptional variegation.

We have it growing in the South Garden where it is protected from the sun and wind, as is the case with most of our Maples…