
Angelica ‘Vicars Mead’

Striking deep purple stems with matching, deeply coloured foliage form a dramatic background for the lovely, soft pink to purple flower umbels. It is nice and tall, so perfect for the back of a border or bed. The birds and bees adore this plant too.

A biennial, it will flower every second year, then die, leaving seed to sow, or save for future plants. It has a lovely foliage show in the first year with flowers in the second. 

Angelica gigas

This is a dramatic plant with large stems followed by huge round heads of deep claret in Autumn. A biennial, it will self seed itself (hopefully) and come back each two years. The bees love this one too.

Perfect for a border, it reaches up to 1.5m high if you’re lucky. We always have our fingers crossed.