
Brunsvegia josephinae

Brunsvigia josephinae, commonly called Josephine’s Lily or Candelabra Lily, is named for Joséphine de Beauharnais, Napoleon’s first wife and the first Empress of France. It is a deciduous, subtropical species originating from South Africa. It is marked by deep pink to red flower heads which are about 12 to 15 inches long. It shoots up from bulbs in March and April, and the leaves develop later. These bulbs can take 12 years to settle before they flower, but it is definitely worth the wait for they erupt from the bulb like a giant firecracker. They also leave impressive seedheads.

Brunsvegia grandiflora

This is a large pink version of Brunsvegia.

Again, it has the firecracker flowerhead and develops leaves after it has flowered. It is a stunner in the garden.